
The Whole Life Project Providing You Opportunities to Pick Up the Pieces and Try Again.
The Whole Life Project, Inc. is a support group committed to encouraging, empowering and enlightening people to be free and live a whole life. We help you address issues and find solutions to help you recover from brokenness that has caused an interruption in your life. We have a special compassion to assist broken women and children because of domestic abuse, teen pregnancy, human trafficking, adolescent behavioral challenges or dealing with a dysfunctional situation. We apply the word of God to everyday life practices to provide solutions, information and hope to change.
We assist in finding living arrangements, providing food, interview coaching, image projection, Christian counseling and support.
We host events, conferences and in home meetings that address and promote good health in diet and exercise, proper social and business etiquette, confidence building, self image projection and prayer services. Through collaborations with other community organizations, we hope to empower women and young girls to believe in themselves and never give up.
The Whole Life Project provides the following services to help you become a better you:
Christian Counseling
Manners and Etiquette Youth Programs
Business Etiquette
Resume preparation
Wardrobe Planning
Mock Interviews
Beauty and Hair Makeovers
Self Image Development
Living Assistance
The Whole Life Project's programs are family oriented and designed to help you live a whole life in mind, body and spirit:
The Little Miss Crown and Glory Etiquette Program
Raising Men of Valor
90 Day Personal Challenge (Diet & Exercise)
Woman to Woman; Daughter to Daughter Retreat
Over Forty, Fit and Fabulous Fashion Show
Pick Up The Pieces Conferences & In-Home Settings
Prayer, Healing and Deliverance Services
Breaking the Silence; Human Trafficking Exposed
A Better You Starts With YOU!
The Whole Life Project has definitely changed my life for the better. The support, love and encouragement I have received since the first day has made me feel at home and got me through some of my worst times.
Amecha Watkins
The Whole Life Project events are truly awesome. There has not been one event that has not touched my life spiritually, mentally and emotionally in the best way possible. Life changing!!!!
Charisma Spencer
The Whole Life Project was truly a BLESSING for me!!!! During the 90 day challenge I made a commitment to become healthier by taking better care of my body/temple as the Lord has required us to do. To make a long testimony short I suffer from a rare blood disease that caused me to be on/off steroids on a regular basis.....I begin eating Organic/ Non GMO foods, increased vegetable intake, cut back on meat(only having baked chicken and fish occasionally beef). Throughout this journey Paula made us accountable by doing weekly weigh in and conference calls. This was motivation for me! Then she challenged us to exercise daily. I begin using my YMCA membership daily! No days off!!!! After 30 days I begin to feel GREAT, then I went to a doctors appointment, my LABS were better than ever....before I knew it-I was being weened from Prednisone.....this was a PRAISE in itself!!!!
Tricia Johnson
I was at an emotional healing conference where Paula was a speaker. Later that night, my husband and I were seeking prayer. At first I thought the consultation would be like all the others; I would leave feeling misunderstood and frustrated. However, Paula discerned some things in the Spirit and spoke on some things about our relationship that no one ever had before. I was so RELIEVED! I felt that someone could finally see things from a realistic prospective and help us get to where we need to be in God. I pray for this wonderful ministry, as it is destined to help MANY people!!! Paula is a true GIFT to the Body of Christ!!!
I thank God for Whole Life. It has shown me a new way to live.☺ It has also taught me that we are not perfect and that we do fail. And that is what this group is here for to encourage one another through our journeys whether easy or hard.
Annette Delgado